Monday, July 27, 2009

Living by Faith

You know, Justin and I have never had any issues with living by faith, at least that is true for the last 8 years when God got ahold of our lives and turned our world upside down.

Well, now we are at a point where - we have lived by faith for the last 8 years - but are now taking it up a notch! LOL

Justin is a pastor but is also a full time carpenter and owner of his own business. Well, after 8 years, business is slower than it has ever been - practically to a dead stop. So what are we doing? We are trusting and believing that God is going to take care of us and provide our every need because that is what He has promised us. And God is not a liar, correct? So that only means one thing - no matter if we can see it with our physcial eyes or not, God has plans to take care of us and provide for us. So we are just taking it step by step right now, praising, worshipping, trusting, and believing.

We serve a wonderful and magnificant God and couldn't imagine ourselves doing anything else at this point in our lives. It is times like these that God uses to open our eyes and help us to re-evaluate our goals and purpose and to lean on God 100%. If we know we are in the perfect will of God then that is all there is to it.

I just want to take this opportunity to thank God for where He has brought us, for what He is doing in our lives and in the lives of the people that we have contact with. I want to tell Him how much I love Him and trust Him and how nice it is to be able to completely rely on Him for everything.
May everyone who reads this be blessed and know in your hearts that God adores you and longs for a personal relationship with each and every one of you.
The below picture has nothing to do with this blog - it is just a random picture of my shmoopie. However, if I have learned anything from Stephanie, it is not to post a blog with no pictures!! LOL :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jessica...What a wonderful encouragement and reminder. You are so right. Yall are in my prayers, sweet friend.
