Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sanity Secured

As most of you know, I grew up in Amarillo (picture to the right is of Downtown Amarillo) and I love Amarillo.

However, we have lived away from Amarillo for the last 8 years. 5 of those years were spent in Lamesa with a population of 11,000 (including the inmates of the Texas Prison) and the last 3 years have been spent in Littlefield (picture to the left is of down town Littlefield) with a population of 6,500. The first 4 months of living in Lamesa I did nothing but cry practically...yes because I missed my family...but more because adjusting to a smaller town was just down right hard to do! However, after 8 years I must say that I have adjusted, I have discovered the beauty in a small town that I never knew was there.

With that being said, I have to get into a "big town" at least every other week or I find my sanity hanging by a shredded thread. Which brings me to our outing today. Today made 2 weeks of being in Littlefield with no escape. -On a side note - whatever is said here is not meant to make anyone think that I do not like Littlefield or that I do not like where God has placed us, please don't get the wrong impression -. Anyway, today was the day that I knew I had go to Lubbock. Even if it meant driving to Lubbock and sitting in a crowded Wal-Mart parking lot and watching all the people go by - that would have been good enough for me - I would have had my fix and would have rescued my sanity. Thankfully though we had a little more on our agenda than that.

Our morning started out with the kids and I playing in the back yard with Duece.

Then we went with Justin to the church and got it all cleaned up and ready for church tomorrow. (We also unloaded Justin's truck that had a ton of stuff in it from VBS). Then off we went to Lubbock. Our first stop was a Wal-Mart on Frankford because Justin had to get some Insulin (and if you've ever known Justin when he needs insulin, you will understand why that was our FIRST Our next stop was Barnes and Noble.
This is a game that I saw that I thought was a must have:
I have determined that this is indeed my favorite store. Tyson always loves to go here too and he was the reason for this visit today.

Our third stop was Home Depot...I was so excited about that let me tell ya...but Justin was working a job that he was having to get figures for, thus the reason for our visit.
Then it was time to go eat with our friend Kenneth Presley. He is so fun to be around. He goes to Christian Life in Lubbock and has such a giving heart and truley a servant's heart. Anyway, we went to Olive Garden and I had the Shrimp Rissotto with Asparagus. After that we went and watched G-Force in Digital 3D and it was AWESOME!
Karisty and I are cool enough and secure in ourselves that we dont mind taking pictures of ourselves in the dark movie theater with our 3D glasses on.
I can't say the same for Justin and Tyson though and in the below picture you will see them fleeing for their lives as I am trying to beg them to let me take their picture. You can see that I did not win.

And that about wraps up our day - the sanity saving day. :)

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