Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First run at blogging!

Well, this is my first try at blogging. I have never really had an interest in blogging but Sarah and Stephanie and my husband have inspired me after reading theirs. :) I am 31 and have finally come to grips with begin OLD. I will turn 32 years old on October 1st of this year and on August 3rd, Justin and I will have been married for 13 years. So what if I still feel like I should be 23? So what if I feel like I have just graduated high school a couple of years ago. That is just not reality. I am officially middle aged and I have got to come to terms with it some how - some way. When did it happen? I honestly have no idea! How did it happen? Well, I am an intelligent individual, and logically I can tell you how it happened, but most of the time I am not a very logical person. :) Thus the hard time I am having with this age thing. My son is 12 and my daughter is 10. In just 8 short years Justin and I will be on our own! My little babies will be in college, living their own adult lives, and at the age of 39/40 Justin and I will be all by our lonesome. How crazy/sad/freakin out/ is that? I don't know, and honestly I cant even stand to think about it.

Speaking of my babies, here they are:

Yes I know, they are so gorgeous, both of them. :) I met Justin in the 6th grade at Fannin Middle School and Tyson has just completed the 6th grade!!!??? How did that happen? I don't know. Maybe that is why I have pink hair - maybe I am rebelling against old age. Oh well, again, I am really trying to come to grips with it because if I don't face reality I will have a nervous breakdown in 6 short years when Tyson graduates High School!
Well, this has really been fun. I think I am going to really enjoy blogging. Those of you who think I am crazy, well, you don't have to read. Those of you who love me even though I am crazy, enjoy. :)


  1. if its any consolation...i think its more than ok for you to be a little freaked out by the fact that you will be an empty nester in 8 yrs...thats not long away!

  2. I know! Thanks! aaahhhhh! :) Love ya girl!

  3. I'm 42 and fighting the same feeling. I think I finally decided I like who I am, I am who I am and therefore I have found the freedom to be me. It's like I have reverted back to high school or college (if only I would've acted like that then.) Ronnie sometimes wonders about me :) (not in a "your freaking me out" kind of way, but more like a "who are you and what have you done with my wife." Tana will be 18 in a year in 1/2. That is scarry! Tori starts high school this year. Yep, I know what you are feeling!

  4. Thanks Shannon, it is encouraging to know that someone is feeling the same way I am...LOL. You know what's really crazy? Ya'll were my youth pastors before you were even pregnant with Tana...I think we left 1st A/G very shortly after you had received the exciting news. :) So we have known each other over 18 years - pretty cool huh? :)

  5. Also, I must admit, that I have finally come to a point in my life where I like who I am also. I am who I am and I like that about myself. I don't worry anymore what anyone thinks of me and there absolutely IS freedom in that.

  6. Your kids are BEAUTIFUL! I love your blog and loved reading about you. Post more! And congratulations on being married for 13 years! That is so awesome and sweet!
