Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Wonderful Husband

After speaking with a few women today and learning all of the trials and problems they go through with their husbands, it really does make me so THANKFUL that I have such a wonderful husband. The problems these women have are just "something that comes along with being married" to them. Some of these problems are problems that I could never even fathom in my wildest imagination and some of these problems are little things but something that I have never had to deal with. But to them, they are just something that happens - its not pleasant but it's life. Well, to me it's not life - it's not something that just happens and I am discovering that I am so incredibly blessed to have Justin Hopper as my husband. I will admit - sometimes I take him for granted, sometimes I don't realize how good I have it until I hear stories like I heard today. These stories are not uncommon, infact, there are more women with husbands like theirs than there are women with husbands like mine.

When Justin and I were planning our wedding while in high school we didnt see the faintest thing wrong with that. (Now that I look back I can see how INSANE that was). But neither one of us thought twice about it. We knew we wanted to get married and there was just nothing else to it. Most people warned us that we wouldn't make it 5 years if we got married that young. We didn't pay any attention to those people. Now I have to admit, we had our rocky parts there a few years into it, but thankfully both of us allowed God to come in and change our lives and we couldn't be happier and more in love today. I just want my husband to know how much I love him for so many reasons I choose not to list, for so many reasons that I take for granted and for so many reasons that he will never know. When I sit and try to think about something I would change about my husband, I literally cannot think of anything. Justin - I love you shmoopie!

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