Saturday, July 25, 2009

Reflection of a Busy Week

It is time to reflect on the last 6 days. We have been preparing for this last week for 6 months now and it has finally come to an end. The week kicked off on Sunday with Jesus Fest and then the next five fun filled days were a Community Wide VBS hosted by 7 churches in Littlefield. Jesus Fest consisted of live worship/christian bands playing from 3:00 to 7:00 (because we ran long...was supposed to end at 6:00) and then the service began with live worship from Jacob's Ladder who is a worship band from Midland and Andrews and consists of 5 AWESOME people ranging in age (stair step) from a Sophmore in high school to a Sophmore in College age (they are in that order in the below picture but from right to left.

Then after the worship, 4 Pastors from the Ministerial Alliance each took turns speaking (and no, believe it or not, it did not last ALL The below picture shows the 4 pastors and another associate pastor who is also an AWESOME translator. In order from Left to Right (this time) is Translator Pastor Johnny Cruz, Pastor Rueda (Temple of Adoration), Pastor Andy Melton (Trinity), Pastor Justin Hopper (Life Church) and Pastor Tracy Spencer (Cowboy Church). Then it was off to Monday....the first day of VBS...we were expecting 400 - 500 kids this year. I think we made it to about 400 kids on Thursday, but the rest of the days were a little lower than what we expected. That's alright though because it we had a blast. I unfortunately was unable to take any pictures of VBS because I was always so busy with Bible Story and Registration that I never remembered to bring my camera! However, thanks to Johnny Cruz, he took some pics that are shown below. Plus, unfortunately Karisty ended up with tonsilitus this week, so we had our ups and downs with her in that area. But overall it was a wonderful week. (I got to play Security on the last day at the end of the day and sit in a golf cart in the parking lot directing traffic - it was awesome! LOL). VBS consisted of Registration, opening session under the big tent, Crafts, Snack, Bible Story, Games, and Closing Session. It inlcuded kids ranging from Pre-K to 6th Grade. We ran Monday through Friday from 5:30 to 9:00. It was awesome (this was Littlefield's 3rd year to have a Community Wide VBS).
The above pic was from the Bible Story Part...this looks like some of the 1st and 2nd grade group.
The above picture is Justin in character (Outback Jack) during part of the Bible Story and below is an upclose and personal picture of Outback Jack.

This is a random picture of some of the kids at craft time, not sure what they are about to do.
This is the tent we had set up outside where all the kids would come together for the opening session and then the closing session.
Kids starting to gather for the closing session...
So there you have it...and now I am sitting on the couch on Saturday morning after having slept in until about 9:30a.m. We are now going to take it easy today!!! :)

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